19. Multicriterio y Eficiencia Energética: Un ejemplo de aplicación

Estudio original: Neves, L. P., L. Dias, et al. (2009). "Structuring an MCDA model using SSM: A case study in energy efficiency." European Journal of Operational Research(199): 834-845.


El estudio presenta la utilización de un método de estructuración conocido como Soft Systems Methodology (SSM) para estructurar un modelo de Análisis de Decisiones con Múltiples Criterios (ADMC), modelo cuyo propósito es evaluar iniciativas de eficiencia energética.

Ejemplos de iniciativas de eficiencia energética (copiado in-extenso):

"Information campaigns: This kind of initiatives targeting the ‘‘information market barrier” has usually a high uncertainty about their results. There are no guarantees either of delivery or persistence. However, the target audience is potentially very large.

Audits: This kind of direct interventions may have a good participation and some guarantees of success and persistence, but they are very expensive considering the possible target. The evaluation is possible and reliable. Technology procurement: This market transformation strategy addresses the barriers of ‘‘lack of technology”, ‘‘initial high cost” and ‘‘information”. Benefits regarding the employment, the economic growth and the persistence of effects can be seen as advantages for this type of strategy.

Contracts for performance: These initiatives assure a higher reliability and are typically more successful at the expense of a higher cost or lower profit.

Direct incentive to end-user: These are the simplest and cheapest initiatives at the expense of a lower reliability.

EE initiatives are often implemented as alternatives to investments in new capacity of generation, transmission and distribution. The discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of these ‘‘supply-side” options over EE improvements was also undertaken with the aim of uncovering values useful to differentiate ‘‘demand-side” options. The analysis covered different kinds of generation options such as renewable, conventional and nuclear, and also network expansion. Many of the values discussed were already uncovered in previous steps of this work, but there are a few which may be considered new contributions such as the reduction of opposition from population, time to delivery, or reduction of the probability of accidents."

Árbol de valor para la agencia gubernamental:

Árbol de valor para la agencia reguladora (objetivos sociales Idem anterior):

Árbol de valor para las compañías de energía:

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